Associate Board.
Looking to make an impact in the lives of those facing pancreatic cancer? We’re looking for YOU!
The Associate Board is a group of young professionals emerging in their careers in the Chicagoland area who are looking to expand their networks and help those battling cancer.
Every year the Associate Board hosts several fundraising events - Dig for Detection Sand Volleyball @ North Avenue Beach, Kincademas @ Kincades, Virtual Wine Tasting, etc.
Board Members.
Mitch Grant, Flashing Parking
Hannah Hardison, CBRE
Dave Hess, Teknion
Conor Keady, Google
Sammi Kuderna, Dyson
Tyler Lukacs, AvidXchange
Logan Lukacs, Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity
Dave Mulac, Stout
Max Timmins, Edge Clear LLC
Nicole Clark, George Street Photo
Kathleen O’Malley, Rush Hospital
Colin Porter, Walden Bridge
Taylor Potts, FIRST
Samantha Rizzuto, Family Law Solutions
Kelsey Rowley, Array Behavioral Care
Mitch Bloomberg, Bounteous
Annie Jao, Switched Source LLC
Tyler Reaumond, CBRE
Member Spotlight.
I was introduced to Reaumond Foundation after working with Tyler Reaumond on an event for work. Due to COVID the event was cancelled but we realized we had a lot in common in that we had both lost our father’s to pancreatic cancer and both weren’t going to sit back and let that happen to other families. With my decade plus experience of graphic design work it was a natural fit to begin working on the marketing committee, who I also recruited my brother Logan to be a part of. I have created many of the graphics and promotional videos for several of the events since 2020. I feel lucky to be able to use my professional skills to aid the foundation and look forward to see it grow in years to come.
I joined the Associate Board in 2020 after hearing about the Foundation from my brother Tyler. Our father had recently passed from pancreatic cancer the previous December and we had so much we wish we could provide other families and patients of those affected by pancreatic cancer. The Reaumond Foundation has provided an outlet for us to join the fight against pancreatic cancer while also assisting families with access to care options they never considered. Tyler and I have collaborated on marketing materials, including the launch of the Homes of Hope campaign, Dig for Detection and even lent our talents to hosting online wine tastings for the board. Professionally I have worked in non-profit my entire career and have loved being able to give back to a cause so near and dear to my family.