Family First Fund.


The Family First Fund is dedicated to alleviating the financial burden and stress that often accompanies a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. This diagnosis can be deeply disruptive to families, affecting finances, employment, and overall security.

Our goal is to support families in whatever way they need most, allowing them to focus on treatment, family, and recovery. We recognize that every patient’s journey is unique, and we tailor our assistance to meet the specific needs of each family. All of our pancreatic cancer patients are referred by medical professionals, and have expressed financial need. We meet directly with each family to assess their situation, and with approval from our Board, we provide a one-time assistance check, typically used for everyday expenses or medical care.

Since inception, we’ve provided over $33,000 in direct assistance to families. These patients represent a broad range of backgrounds, employment statuses, and family situations. They’ve requested support for everything from COBRA insurance payments and gas for treatment trips to hotel stays, childcare, rent, groceries, hospice care, utility bills, and caregiver services.