This Mother’s Day, We Remember Carol McCormack

“Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.” -CS Lewis
Carol McCormack had many amazing attributes but arguably her best was how incredible of a mother she was. Carol passed away from pancreatic cancer on June 17, 2018, less than a year from her diagnosis.
Carol has been tremendously missed over the last four years by her husband, Mike and three children Bob, Donna, and Kelsey. She was a wonderful “Nannoo” to her five grandchildren before she passed, and it’s hard to see it as a mere coincidence that her sixth grandchild was born on Mother’s Day last year, a day that had been particularly difficult and lonely for her family since her passing.
Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease. Carol has always been described by her loved ones as tough, but pancreatic cancer still finds its way to take even the strongest of lives. It’s why we continue to advocate for the funding of research. It’s imperative that the outcomes are improved for patients — and for patients' sons and daughters to not have to spend this day yearning to be celebrating with the mother they lost.
Carol lives on in our memories and hearts forever. We are sending love to those fighting this fight this Mother’s Day and to those who have lost their mothers. <3
Written by our Associate Board Member Kelsey Rowley, about her mother