Aidan Graham
Market & Financial Analyst with the Telos Group
Why I fight?
Although (thankfully and remarkably) I haven't personally experienced the devastating impact of cancer among many of my loved ones, I'm fighting to raise money and awareness for those who have. It’s no secret that a measly boxing match pales in comparison to the fight that cancer puts its victims through, but I thought: what better way to support kicking cancer’s ass by raising money to get my ass kicked?! If you have a better idea, you should’ve found me 5 months ago.
Alas, I’m boxing on February 29 to support both the Reaumond Foundation in its fight against pancreatic cancer, as well as my friends and family who have lost loved ones to cancer. I’m determined to make every punch I take in that ring count toward a future where this disease is no longer a threat to anyone’s life.