This Father’s Day, We Remember Larry Maxfield
“The gods do not deduct from man’s allotted span the hours spent in fishing.”
— Herbert Hoover
Larry Maxfield lived life to its fullest. He was a proud husband of 45 years to his wife Sheri, father of his two children Samantha (Matt Lerner) and Clay (Miranda Luce), and grandfather to Maxfield and Hayes. Though he “fought the good fight,” after a 9-month battle with Pancreatic Cancer he sadly passed away on August 5th, 2018, just 6 weeks before his son was to be married. Larry made a lasting impression on every single person he came in contact with and has been greatly missed by all over the last almost 5 years.
Larry was the ultimate dad and spent much of his free time teaching both of his children his love for fishing from a young age. If only the quote from Herbert Hoover was true, we would still have our rock with us today.
Pancreatic cancer does not discriminate. When Larry was diagnosed, he was prepared to fight. He went on the most advanced and potent chemotherapy on the market and took it like a champ. Never once did he complain about pain or suffering. We want to honor him on this Father’s Day by remembering a man who cherished others and was loved by all. The whole Maxfield family continues to honor Larry by always having purple orchids in their homes to honor both pancreatic cancer purple and Larry’s love of orchids.
Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease. With the continued support of our donors, we are able to advocate for more research and awareness and hope that one day the news of someone being diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer is not the death sentence we all had to endure.
Written by our Associate Board Member Clay Maxfield, about his father.